My journey with Conway Primary School, and later with Create Partnership Trust, started when I was just seven years old.

I joined Conway Primary School in Year 2 when my family moved into the area. To start with, I felt very lost and struggled at school. I was always placed in the lower groups, where I spent my days mainly out of the classroom with the class Teaching Assistant. After my time at Conway Primary School, I went on to secondary school and then to college to study childcare.

Once I was qualified, I came back to Conway to drop my little sister off to school. On that day, I was approached by the Headteacher who informed me that a Teaching Assistant position was about to be advertised and they suggested that I apply.

To my joy, I was successful, and was given a temporary contract by the school - back where my educational journey began. I found it very surreal as some of my former teachers still worked there and it was very strange to start using their first names! I also found the familiarity very comforting, and we talked about my own education. They would ask for my opinion on my experiences at the school as a child looking for anything to improve – this was very reassuring.

I stayed as a Teaching Assistant for 13 years, but gradually realised that I had the potential to do more. I researched courses to become a qualified teacher, approaching the Headteacher with these - I was very pleased when she fully supported me.

Studying a Foundation Degree in my spare time was hard, as I continued working full time as a Teaching Assistant, leaving around 3pm to get the bus to University where I studied till 10pm at night. For the cycle to repeat again the next day.

I found it very hard to head to another school for my University placement as Conway was my home… my comfort. I would say to my colleagues “I can’t wait to come home”.

It was all worth it when I finished my degree. I returned to Conway where two years later I was approached to apply for the post of SENCO. All my colleagues encouraged me to go for it and I was overjoyed when I was successful!

One of the most surreal moments was when I became a teacher, I was placed in the same Year 2 classroom where I started as a pupil at Conway. I would see a child sitting in my old seat and say to them “I know you’re sitting looking out the window, because that’s what I used to do”

Conway is very, very special to me… it is part of me. People now laugh and say “You’re like part of the furniture! You have never left”.

I am so passionate about improving chances for the children with Special Educational Needs and, or Disabilities as I was that child, the child in the lower groups, being taken out of the classroom, spending my days with the Teaching Assistant.

To see how far I have come now makes me so proud. I see myself in these children, I am watching them go through the same journey. I often say to some of the parents “They will be okay in life because I was okay. I made it”.

Having someone who never gives up on you made me who I am today, I never lost belief in myself even though I had no confidence. It is not about where you start, it is the journey that you take and the steps to get there.